We Offer The Expertise You Need

Onset's award-winning data loggers and weather station products are relied on across the globe for a wide variety of uses, like verifying the performance of renewable energy systems and monitoring temperature-controlled environments. As an authorized distributor of these products, the ITM team has the experience and continued product training to offer you the expertise and support you need.

You can count on us to guide you through the workings of the innovative Onset HOBO and InTemp technology that continuously strives to deliver the best possible results by managing data for improving the environment and reducing the paper trail burden.

At ITM, we pride ourselves on offering the best brands and products in the industry. Along with that, we take our responsibility to help you make the best choice and support you very seriously.

That's where our Technical Experts come in! Their combination of product knowledge and enthusiasm to stay on top of all advancements is key to our success.

You have complete access to their expertise!