We offer the expertise you need.

Klein Tools' product line includes virtually every major type of hand tool used in construction, electronics, mining, and general industry in addition to the electrical and telecommunications fields. As an authorized distributor of these tools, the ITM team has the experience and continued product training to offer you the expertise and support you need.

You can count on us to guide you through the Klein Tools that stand up to the demands of the professionals who use them every day. By using only the highest quality materials, superior workmanship, and keeping their manufacturing as close to home as possible, Klein Tools is able to uphold those rigorous standards.

At ITM, we pride ourselves on offering the best brands and products in the industry. Along with that, we take our responsibility to help you make the best choice and support you very seriously.

That's where our Technical Experts come in! Their combination of product knowledge and enthusiasm to stay on top of all advancements is key to our success.

You have complete access to their expertise!